RelateHost guarantees a 99.9% uptime. If in any given month we fail to meet this guarantee a credit may be issued to a RelateHost customer.
Sign up nowWe understand the necessity of high availability to our customers and make every effort to provide services that consistently exceed your expectations. The following is a summary of the kinds of levels of service that RelateHost offers its customers to ensure maximum availability and performance. Please contact customer support for additional information and terms regarding the RelateHost SLAs.
We guarantee that our network will be available 99.9% of the time. If we incur an outage to the RelateHost network, RelateHost will credit the affected customer. Our Network Uptime SLA consists of 4 parts:
Global Internet Connectivity - This includes connectivity from the RelateHost network to the outside Internet.
Private Network Connectivity - This includes connectivity between the privately routed network within our detacenter Networks. (Private Back-End Tunneling).
Power - This includes the power which powers the servers in the data center
We guarantee the proper function of a customer’s leased hardware components provided by RelateHost and will replace any failed component at no cost to the customer. The replacement process will begin when the cause of the problem has been determined. Hardware replacement is guaranteed to take no more than 4 hour.
Current Generation - All current generation hardware that fails in whole or in part qualifies for our 4 hour SLA. This SLA is only valid after the problem has been confirmed to be faulty hardware.
Immediate Prior Generation - SLA for the immediate prior generation hardware ("End of Life" or "End of Sale") is based on our best efforts, without time limit, and is subject to repair or replacement hardware being commercially available.
Older Prior Generation - For older prior generation hardware, our SLA is best efforts and limited to replacement hardware on hand.
Hardware Not Currently Offered - Any hardware that is not currently offered on our order page is ineligible for SLA.
RelateHost guarantees a 99.9% network and server uptime. If in any given month we fail to meet this guarantee a credit may be issued to a RelateHost customer.